More than a service provider,
your partner in digital
solution development
What we do
You may need to develop a software program under a platform like Windows or Linux. You may also need a web application or, for your customers and partners, an application for their iOS or Android Smartphone. You might have to develop a microprogram that can be embedded on a microcontroller.
For those of you who are more technical (and we know there are many of you!), you may want to develop a program or an application enabling you to carry out acquisition chains and signal or image processing…
At Brook Group, we help you to satisfy these needs in digital development. Whatever they are, our teams – made up of specialized engineers and doctors – will know how to design the program which corresponds best to your project’s requirements. Frontend, IHM, API, libraries, backend, front office, back-office, managing your data: our developers are equipped to take charge of your entire project.
How we can work together
Nous vous proposons deux formules en fonction de vos besoins et de votre expertise : la première, classique, consiste à nous laisser réaliser l’ensemble de votre application ou programme après que nous ayons étudié ensemble vos besoins. La seconde, inédite, consiste à vous donner un accès privilégié à un ou à plusieurs membres de nos équipes de développeurs afin que vous ayez un contrôle total sur la réalisation de votre projet.
Defining your product
Together, we will define your product’s functionality, taking into account, of course, your costs and deadlines.
Developing and testing your solutions
Our highly qualified developers and project managers have the skills to implement the highest performance technologies to encode and test the solution which will satisfy your needs to perfection.
Organization and Improvement
We, at Brook Group, consider that our work does not stop when we have delivered you your application or your program. It is for this reason that we will continue to offer our services to organize your tool and, above all, to maintain it at cutting edge level.
Setting up project tools
We will provide you with a set of tools to access your developers during working days. At any moment you can have direct access to your team, by using a high speed, protected connection. Live progress of your project will then be available.
Project follow-up
We will then have regular meetings – once or twice a month – to discuss your project. Bearing in mind the state of play and progress, these site meetings will enable us to carry out adjustments to optimize the development of your product.
Forming your team
Together, we will study your project. Then, depending on your personal needs and project constraints, we will offer you a team representing one or several junior, intermediary or senior developers.
Instrumentation and embedded technology
Another one of our pillars involves instrumentation and embedded software. The IT is a little more physical, a great deal closer to hardware, and therefore located at a lower level. Whether you wish to program an acquisition board or a microcontroller, our teams will know how to meet your expectations.
Technical and
scientific IT
Embedded programming is one of Brook’s specialties. For you, we have a whole technological offer revolving around this system.
Web and
Are you looking to develop a Smartphone or web application? or an API? In brook’s web department, highly qualified project managers and developers have the know-how to implement the highest performing technologies in order to create solutions to satisfy your personal needs.

« We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. » Albert Einstein